
6 Actionable Ways 50 corporate e-learning

5 recognized Role of Certifications in Your Journey as a successful Corporate Trainer

According to a recent survey, approximately 12,000 individuals entering the job market revealed that they are increasingly inclined towards pursuing certification programs to acquire specific skills. Guess what? The popularity of online certificate courses is skyrocketing! Hey there, fellow trainers! Let’s dive into the world of certifications and how they can amp up your expertise. […]

5 recognized Role of Certifications in Your Journey as a successful Corporate Trainer Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 54 corporate e-learning

5 Different Types of e-Learning Content Formats and When to Use Them: A perfect Guide

According to a 2021 poll, many L&D workers prioritize E-learning above conventional instructor-led training. While 79% intended to increase their investment in E-learning, 73% anticipated spending less on in-person training. A Brandon-Hall Study has found that E-learning typically requires 40% to 60% less employee time compared to learning the same material in a traditional classroom

5 Different Types of e-Learning Content Formats and When to Use Them: A perfect Guide Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 48 corporate e-learning

The ROI of Gamification in Corporate E-Courses: How to Measure the Impact on Business Outcomes- 4 best known way

According to Gabe Zichermann, the author of “Gamification by Design,” integrating gamification into regular work and training can transform mundane tasks into enjoyable activities. As a result, it can increase employee skill retention by around 40%. Gamification and ROI has become an increasingly popular trend in the world of e-learning, as it offers a way

The ROI of Gamification in Corporate E-Courses: How to Measure the Impact on Business Outcomes- 4 best known way Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 43 corporate e-learning

How Data Analytics Can Improve Your e-Learning Courses: 4 best known strategy

The Back to the Future report by Emerald Works states that almost all L&D teams (98%) consider enhancing their analytical skills as a crucial aspect. However, as of 2020, only 18% of these teams possess this capability internally. Moreover, this number has declined from 30% in 2018, indicating a negative trend. The world is changing

How Data Analytics Can Improve Your e-Learning Courses: 4 best known strategy Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 40 corporate e-learning

Mobile Learning (m-Learning) Implementation: 5 best ways to Train Your Employees on the Go

According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, the global mobile learning market is expected to reach $37.6 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 18.2% from 2020 to 2025. The report attributes this growth to the increasing use of mobile devices, the rising demand for personalized learning, and the need for cost-effective training solutions. What

Mobile Learning (m-Learning) Implementation: 5 best ways to Train Your Employees on the Go Read More »