Employee Management

6 Actionable Ways 45 corporate e-learning

Using Data and Analytics to Optimize Your Employee Training and Development Programs: 4 powerful ways

According to a study by IDG Research, the majority of large enterprises (80%) and smaller companies (63%) were either already using or planning to implement big data solutions. These solutions involve collecting and analyzing data from various corporate activities, which can help companies make more informed and timely decisions.  As businesses continue to evolve and […]

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6 Actionable Ways 42 corporate e-learning

Cybersecurity Training for Employees: How to Implement Effective Training to Protect Your Company in 5 ways

According to the 2020 Cost of a Data Breach Report by IBM, the average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million, and it takes an average of 280 days to identify and contain a breach. These statistics demonstrate the importance of implementing effective cybersecurity training for employees to protect your company. In today’s digital

Cybersecurity Training for Employees: How to Implement Effective Training to Protect Your Company in 5 ways Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 1 corporate e-learning

How Artificial Intelligence ( AI) is revolutionizing HR: 5 best examples

According to the latest McKinsey Global Survey, there has been an almost 25% rise in the adoption of Artificial Intelligence in regular business operations compared to the previous year. Furthermore, there has been a significant increase in the number of companies utilizing Artificial Intelligence across various areas of their business. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been

How Artificial Intelligence ( AI) is revolutionizing HR: 5 best examples Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 38 corporate e-learning

6 proven interviewing tips to sell your company and attract top talent

According to recent studies, 74% of HR professionals prefer using structured interviews as their go-to method for interviewing candidates. Behavioural interviews come in at a close second at 73%, followed by phone screenings at 57%, and panel interviews at 48%.  As businesses strive to stay ahead of the competition, attracting top talent has become a

6 proven interviewing tips to sell your company and attract top talent Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 36 corporate e-learning

Corporate E-learning: 6 reasons why your employees will love it

According to a 2021 poll, many L&D workers prioritize E-learning above conventional instructor-led training. While 79% intended to increase their investment in E-learning, 73% anticipated spending less on in-person training. The shift towards E-learning can be attributed to a number of factors, including increased accessibility, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. With E-learning, employees can access training materials

Corporate E-learning: 6 reasons why your employees will love it Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 35 corporate e-learning

The 4 Benefits of Gamification in Corporate Training: How to Make Learning Fun Again

According to projections, the global gamification market will increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 27.4% from $9.1 billion in 2020 to $30.7 billion in 2025. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging for companies to keep up with the constantly evolving business landscape. To stay competitive, it is crucial for companies

The 4 Benefits of Gamification in Corporate Training: How to Make Learning Fun Again Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 34 corporate e-learning

How to keep Your Remote Team Engaged and Positive:5 MUST-TRY STRATEGIES

According to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace 2022 Report, business units with engaged workers have 23% higher profits compared with their disengaged counterparts. Remote work has become the norm for many companies, but with it comes the challenge of keeping remote employees engaged and connected to the company culture. It can be tough for

How to keep Your Remote Team Engaged and Positive:5 MUST-TRY STRATEGIES Read More »

6 Actionable Ways 3 1 corporate e-learning

Performance Management for Effective Team Performance: 5 proven HR Srategies

  Research indicates that organizations with engaged employees and customers tend to see a 240% increase in performance-related business outcomes compared to those without engaged employees or customers. Performance Management is an essential component of any business since it makes sure that everyone on the team is striving to achieve the company’s objectives and that

Performance Management for Effective Team Performance: 5 proven HR Srategies Read More »