
6 Actionable Ways corporate e-learning

5 HR Trends Ruling in 2023

Human resources is a constantly evolving field, and keeping up with the latest trends is crucial for businesses to attract and retain top talent.  In Nepal, until 2000, the Human Resources Department itself did not exist as a separate entity. Nevertheless, companies and other organizations in Nepal have gradually adopted the latest HR techniques in […]

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6 Actionable Ways 25 corporate e-learning

4 Benefits of elearning for employees

tRADITIONAL lEARNING Unlike eLearning , the traditional method of learning for employees involves a lot of costs such as cost of learning materials, accommodation costs, venue booking/maintenance costs, trainer’s salary, etc. Similarly, there comes an opportunity cost of your time that is wasted on arranging a feasible trainer-employee time and building materials every once in

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6 Actionable Ways 15 corporate e-learning

8 Effective Ways to Overcome Communication Problems

8 effective ways to overcome communication problem What is communication? Ineffective communication is a barrier to effective working. Communication struggles can lead to misunderstandings and negative images. You want to avoid misunderstandings, right? After reading this blog, you will be able to understand communication basics and that might help you communicate well. To simply put,

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